Pink Zebra Helps Single Moms


Pink Zebra loves to give back! They have been helping single moms since they launched this company 9 years ago. The Pink Zebra HEROES program supports single moms by donating days of childcare to these heroes in our neighborhoods and cities. These are the single moms who selflessly make sacrifices to take care of their children day in and day out. These moms are working to further their education or working a job so they can give their children a better life. A better home. Food on the table. A chance in life.

The strength and courage of women

Pink Zebra believes that together, we can change lives. They believe in the strength and courage of women. Their motto is change your fragrance and change a life. The HEROES program is about encouraging and supporting single moms who need help so they can help their children to grow and thrive. So they can be a role model to their children.

Close a $500 party, Pink Zebra donates a day of childcare

When you are a Pink Zebra consultant, every single time you host and close a $500 party, Pink Zebra donates a day of childcare to a single mom! This is an amazing program that helps so many moms and children all across the country.

Pink Zebra also has creates a special unique Sprinkles fragrance with each catalog and 10% of the proceeds from that special HEROES fragrance goes towards this special cause as well.

Contact your Pink Zebra consultant on Direct Sales Aid to find out more about this amazing program or if you would like an application for a mom who needs help with providing childcare to her children.

If you a would like to join Pink Zebra as a consultant visit this link