Bernice Barrett - Steeped Tea Consultant

Steeped Tea Consultant Bernice Barrett

Potter Court Colorado Springs, CO 80909 US
  • Company

    Company Overview

    What is Steeped Tea?

    Steeped Tea is a Canadian based social selling company that creates flexible home-based entrepreneurial opportunities. Our premium loose leaf tea and accessories are available exclusively through in-home ParTEAs by our Independent Consultants and online. We believe that the secret to a perfect cup of tea is who you share it with.


    Join Steeped Tea


    As an independent Consultant with Steeped Tea, you represent our line of tea and tea accessories, selling through in-home Parties and online.

    WILL I RECEIVE TRAINING AND SUPPORT? In addition to support and training provided to you by the Steeped Tea Home Once, your Steeped Tea Leader will be by your side to ensure you move forward using the necessary tools. Your Leader will assist in your Training Launch Party; their step by step guidance and Steeped Tea business experience will help you make the most out of your new adventure.

    HOW MUCH WILL I GET PAID? With Steeped Tea, you have the ability to write your own paycheck! For example, you can almost double your income if you hold six Parties a month because of the 5% sales bonus. The rewards you reap are completely up to you!

    HOW MANY HOURS DO I HAVE TO WORK? You have the flexibility to choose how much time you want to invest in your business. You decide, from the start, when you're available to share Steeped Tea by holding Parties and online selling. By scheduling time for your business, you can reach whatever goals you have set for yourself!

    ARE THERE MONTHLY MINIMUMS? Your Steeped Tea business is designed to work around your schedule and your personal goals; you set your pace depending on what income you would like to earn. For ordering privileges from the company, you must have a minimum of $100 in sales over a six month period of time.

    HOW DO I PROMOTE MY BUSINESS? Tell everyone what you're doing and why you're excited! Carry catalogs with you – be ready to share one all the time. Share your favorite teas with friends and coworkers. Always ask for referrals. Visit your Virtual Office for more tips.

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  • About Me

    About Me

    I found Steeped Tea when my doctor asked me to stop drinking coffee. I felt like a child that had been told "No more candy for you." In the process of quitting coffee, I met a lady that introduced me to Steeped Tea. At first my thought was "yuck little baggies of tea." Then I realized that all the teas were loose leaf. WOW! What a difference in the taste and quality. I started with the idea that I was just going to buy for myself and enjoy it and if I sold some great. Then I realized it was too good not to share, my husband had lost his job and I had the solution on my hands without knowing it. Extra income is really going to help. Great business, no pressure, and best of all great products.

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