Ashley Mickelson - LuLaRoe Consultant

LuLaRoe Consultant Ashley Mickelson

36th Avenue South Moorhead, MN 56560 US
  • Company

    Company Overview

    As a LuLaRoe Retailer, I love to empower women to love themselves NOW not WHEN. Creating outfits and styling women is my favorite thing to do! Let's get out of our comfort zones and see where we can go!

    Ready to become an Independent LuLaRoe Retailer? Email me at to gather more information OR join me now here:


    Join LuLaRoe

    Becoming a Retailer was something I wanted to do for myself and for my family. Something I could call my own and have a creative outlet. I also wanted to be able to provide for my family - help us check off some goals faster with the extra income from luLaRoe. It has been an amazing journey. Lots of work, but it pays off! With the popularity of social media - it is so easy to connect with people around the US! We don't need to be in the same zip code let alone state to be successful! Are YOU ready for this journey? Email me:

  • About Me

    About Me

    Hi!! I'm Ashley and I'm so glad you found me! I am married to my high school sweetheart and we have two boys living in beautiful Minnesota. We both grew up in lakes country and wouldn't have it any other way. Our boys LIVE for being outside, so you can find us playing in the sandbox, riding our bikes and exploring the great outdoors as much as possible. I have a passion for creativity. Before becoming a mom, I LOVED anything crafty and could shop for DAYS. Malls, Michaels, Hobby Lobby and card-making supplies took all my money ;). After becoming a mom and living for "boy activities", I was yearning for something that was MINE. I was invited to a LuLaRoe pop up by a neighbor and bought my first piece: A Julia dress..... the rest was history. I wanted all of this - I saw a huge opportunity to connect with new ladies, old friends and do something creative and that was for ME. It has been so fun to meet new women and hear them say "I actually like shopping and how I look now" #becauseofLuLaRoe

    It has fulfilled that "need" to do something for me, connect with women ALL over and empower women to love who they are NOW not WHEN. If that's something you want a part in - message me!! lularoeashleymickelson@gmail.comWant to see what this clothing is all about? Come check it out here:

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    Contact Ashley Mickelson

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